
In Another Place began in 2005 with the performance of the First Nativity on Crosby Beach set among Anthony Gormley's Iron men which are titled 'Another Place'. Hence the aptly descript Charity name: In Another Place. Where were we performing? In 'Another Place.' The Nativity was a huge success, attracting an audience of 5000 people and featuring a real camel and other animals.
The Nativity was followed in 2006 by an Easter Walk and the Tales of Jesus performed to 3000 again in 'Another Place' on Crosby Beach. With gathering momentum and a growing vision, In Another Place became a Charity in the same year with a mission to take good news outside church walls. Over the next couple of years IAP hosted prayer rooms, pioneered schools work, wrote and performed multiple productions on Crosby beach and across other local venues and began to bring churches together for mission across Crosby.
By 2009 In Another Place had developed a Narnia Experience, a development of a themed prayer room that took place in Crosby Village. Performed to 3000 people in Old Christ Church, this was a huge success and attracted the attention of Alan Smith, the Managing Director of St George's Hall, a prestigious and prominent venue in Liverpool City Centre. This opened the door to 8 years of regular productions at the venue, earning In Another Place the Liverpool Small Tourism Award for their production of 'The Alice Experience' in 2017 and attracting audiences totalling over 60,000 people.
Big changes began to take place in 2018 when IAP had to relocate out of St George's Hall and begin a new chapter. This move eventually took us into Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, our current location, and reshaped the daily activities of the charity. Now being located in the centre of an active community, workshops and Family Friendly events and activities became the weekly staple while we continuted to prepare for our larger productions including another beach nativity and performances of the Passion in Liverpool city centre.
To find out more about who we are and what we do now, check out the About Us page and have a look at our upcoming events and weekly activities and for a more detailed overview of our history and story you can view the IAP timeline and check out some of our past productions.
Sponsored Walks:
Leeds to Liverpool Canal
Hadrian's Wall
Peak Pilgrimage
Thames Bridges
2020-2022 Highlights
Highlights From 2020 to 2022